Professor Yoel Fink and Dr. Ngai C. Wong will lead an RLE QuIST program entitled, “Long Distance, High Data-Rate Quantum Communication with Ultralow Loss Photonic Gap Fiber.” This $2.5M project will execute a combined theoretical and experimental program to design, fabricate, and characterize hollow-core dielectric fiber with multilayer omnidirectionally reflecting walls for use in long-distance quantum communication.
The project is sponsored by the Army Research Office (ARO) and the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the Department of Defense (DoD). The goal of the QuIST program is to demonstrate advances required for practical use of quantum logic and information in computing, communications, and other applications.
This award highlights one of RLE’s fastest growing areas of new research interest: quantum information, computing, and technology. Quantum mechanics offers radically new approaches to the transmission, storage, and processing of information.
Three large programs in these topics totaling in excess of $13M have awarded to RLE in the past year. In addition to Professor Fink’s and Dr. Wong’s new program, RLE is the also the home to a recently awarded DoD Defense University Research Initiative on NanoTechnology (DURINT) project led by RLE Professor Terry P. Orlando entitled, “Quantum Computation with Superconducting Quantum Devices,” as well as a DoD Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) project led by RLE’s Director, Professor Jeffrey H. Shapiro entitled, “Quantum Information Technology: Entanglement, Teleportation, and Quantum Memory.”
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