RLE Facilities
Q. Who is permitted to use the copiers in the RLE Copy Room?
A. Only RLE members may use the RLE copiers (for MIT-related business).
Q. How can I change the temperature in my room?
A. RLE Facilities controls the room temperature for Buildings 26 and 36.
You can contact facilities by sending an email to rle-facilities@mit.edu.
Q. Where is the closest Athena Cluster to RLE HQ?
A. The closest Athena Cluster to RLE HQ is in room 38–370.
For further information on Athena Clusters, consult the IS&T website.
Q. How do I rent the van?
A. To rent the RLE van, email rle-facilities@mit.edu with your request.
Advanced notice is required.
Q. How can I mail an item?
A. FedEx and USPS are the preferred option to ship/mail documents from MIT.
Contact your PI’s Administrative Assistant to get an account number for both
shipping options. FedEx shipments can be dropped off at one of the two locations
associated with RLE (see below). USPS is handled by MIT mail services.
Q. Where is the closest FedEx drop off location?
A. There are two FedEx drop off locations near Building 36. One can be found
in room 36–460, while the other is located in the basement of the Stata Center.
FedEx in 36–460 is picked up at 3:30pm Monday to Friday; the Stata Center
pick up occurs at 6pm.
Q. How can I get access to the machine shops associated with RLE?
A. To get machine shop access, please follow the instructions on the RLE Facilities page.
Q. Does RLE have a fax machine?
A. Yes, there is a fax machine located in the copy room, 36–460.
Instructions are on the wall.
Q. How do I order a new key?
A. To order keys or request card access for office or lab space, please fill out
the Key Request Form, found in RLE HQ, and have it signed by your RLE supervisor.
Once signed, please drop it off with Kimberley Huynh in RLE Headquarters (36–413).

Q. I didn’t receive my W‑2 tax form in the mail this year, how can I acquire it?
A. The W‑2 tax form is now found electronically through the ATLAS website.
Please contact MIT HR/Payroll if you have any questions.
Q. How do I get forms (e.g. Couhes application) signed by the RLE Director?
A. Request for signatures should
be directed to Cathy Bourgeois (cmbourg@mit.edu).
Q. How do I request a meeting with the RLE Director?
A. Requests for meetings with the Director should
be addressed to Cathy Bourgeois (cmbourg@mit.edu).
Q. How many people can the Allen and Haus room seat?
A. Both the Allen and Haus room can seat 14 people in boardroom seating, and
32 people in theater seating. Combined the two rooms can seat 80 individuals.
Q. How do I reserve the 8th Floor Café or 6th Floor space?
A. Contact Amanda Keyes
(keyesa66@mit.edu) to make a reservation.
Q. How do I get access to the kitchen when I have an event in the Haus or Allen Room?
A. Speak with Amanda Keyes (keyesa66@mit.edu)
at the RLE HQ front desk to request access to the kitchen.
Q. Can I store supplies in the RLE kitchen?
A. No, storage is not available in the RLE kitchen.
Q. How do I get access to the Haus and/or Allen Room after 5pm?
A. Contact Amanda Keyes (keyesa66@mit.edu) at least 24 hours prior
to the event for temporary, after-hours access to the room.
Q. How does an individual who is not an RLE member request a room reservation?
A. People outside of RLE should contact Amanda Keyes
(keyesa66@mit.edu) to request a room reservation.
Q. Does the QIS room have a projector?
A. Yes, the QIS room does have a projector with AV capabilities.
Q. Can I get into the QIS room after 5pm?
A. The QIS room is locked after 5pm, but can be opened with card access.
To gain card access, contact Amanda Keyes (keyesa66@mit.edu).
RLE Media
Q. My PI has a significant paper/award/accomplishment.
How do I get this posted on the RLE website?
A. Please email Sampson Wilcox (swilcox@mit.edu) with the detailed information.
Q. Does RLE provide printing services?
A. RLE does not offer printing services. MIT Copytech and MIT Libraries offer
a variety of printing and copying services.
Q. How can I change room signage outside of my office?
A. RLE room signage in Buildings 36, 26 and 38 and RLE floor directories are
managed by the Manager of Media and Design. If you would like to make
a change to your room sign, please fill out the Sign Request form.
Q. How can I order RLE business cards?
A. You may order RLE business cards by visiting the vendor Ambit Press
through the Ecat system and selecting RLE from the catalog list.
There is a charge for this service. Please find more information
regarding ordering cards (including who RLE will process cards for)
on the “Current RLE members” page.